Introduction ofJava script.



          Java Script 

 JavaScript ("JS" for short) is a full-fledged dynamic programming language that can add interactivity to a website. It was invented by Brendan Eich (co-founder of the Mozilla project, the Mozilla Foundation, and the Mozilla Corporation).

JavaScript is versatile and beginner-friendly. With more experience, you'll be able to create games, animated 2D and 3D graphics, comprehensive database-driven apps, and much more!

JavaScript itself is relatively compact, yet very flexible. Developers have written a variety of tools on top of the core JavaScript language, unlocking a vast amount of functionality with minimum effort. These include:

Browser Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) built into web browsers, providing functionality such as dynamically creating HTML and setting CSS styles; collecting and manipulating a video stream from a user's webcam, or generating 3D graphics and audio samples.

Third-party APIs that allow developers to incorporate functionality in sites from other content providers, such as Twitter or Facebook.

Third-party frameworks and libraries that you can apply to HTML to accelerate the work of building sites and applications.

Features of JavaScript

  • JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted programming language.
  • Designed for creating network-centric applications.
  • Complementary to and integrated with Java.
  • Complementary to and integrated with HTML.
  • Open and cross-platform

Uses of JavaScript

  • Adding interactivity to websites: If you want a website to be more than a static page of text. you'll need to do some JavaScripting.
  • Developing mobile applications: JavaScript isn't just for's used to create those apps you have on your phone and tablet as well
  • Creating web browser based games: Ever played a game directly from your web browser? JavaScript probably helped make that happen.

Java Script Data types

A data type is an attribute of a variable which tells the compiler or interpreter how the programmer intends to use the variable. It defines the operations that can be done on the data and what type of values can be stored. According to the properties they possess, data types are divided into two groups:

1. Primitive Data Types

2. Non-Primitive Data Types

Primitive Data Type

A primitive value is not an object and does not contain any methods. As discussed in the previous section, Boolean, null, undefined, Number, BigInt, String and Symbol are primitive data types in JavaScript.

Non-Primitive Data Types

The non-primitive data type is a value stored in memory and referenced by an identifier. Unlike the primitive data types, non-primitive data types are assigned to variables as a reference to their existence in the memory.

Author Spotlight

Santosh Chapagain
Phone no: +977-9863512955

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